Career at the iDSB
When the world changes, school learning must also change. At the International German School Brussels, we are preparing our students today for the world of tomorrow.
Would you like to join our dedicated team?
Founded in 1803, the iDSB is a public school supported by the long-established German School Society Brussels. Since 2008, we have been certified as an Excellent German School Abroad and part of an international quality network. Our students achieve above-average examination results, our graduates are nationally and internationally successful in their studies and careers. The iDSB is currently attended by around 580 students and employs around 120 staff.
Brussels is characterised above all by its central role as the European capital and the cultural diversity associated with it. Savoir-vivre plays a major role in both the Flemish and Walloon parts of the country, and culinary delights of a high standard are correspondingly important to Belgians. The proximity to interesting cities within Belgium, such as Antwerp, Ghent and Bruges, as well as international hotspots like Paris and London, adds to Brussels’ appeal. In addition, the proximity to the North Sea coast and the Ardennes offers daily variety and opportunities for a wealth of leisure activities.
Employee benefits at the iDSB
Meal allowances: Daily meal vouchers worth € 7 per working day.
Mobility support: Flat-rate mileage allowance for a single commute or over 70% subsidy for public transport.
Supplementary hospital insurance: free of charge for employees; heavily discounted conditions for relatives.
Supplementary pension insurance: Attractive company pension plan for a secure future.
Supplementary disability insurance: Additional financial protection after 6 weeks of illness.
Non-performance-related salary adjustment: every two years for teaching staff.
Team hours: Additional 0.5 hours per week for all OLK.
Rent subsidy: 10-year subsidy for single-earner employees within a household who move to Brussels for us.
Education for children: Free schooling for employees’ children, in proportion to working hours.
Free stage care: for children til the age of 8 years of employees who themselves work during this stage (in childcare).
E-bike leasing: Attractive conditions with no upper financial limit.
Language courses: Paid language courses (German, English, French) at renowned institutes such as CVO.
Photo portfolio: Free photos from the school photographer.
Parking spaces: Free employee parking at the workplace.
Catering: Free tea and coffee for all employees.
Would you like to join our dedicated team?
Get in touch with Petra van den Beukel.
We need approximately three weeks to process your application and kindly ask you to refrain from corresponding inquiries during this period.
Questions about the handling of your data? Click here for our information on data processing in accordance with the DSGVO.

An internship at the iDSB offers a plus of experience that can bring great advantages for your career. Please find out more about the requirements for an internship at our school HERE.
Teaching internship
A teaching internship in our primary or secondary school, against the backdrop of the binding link of the German language, an immersion in the different cultures of our pupils* and staff with a focus on integration and in skills training. A mentor assigned to you will support you throughout the internship in broadening your horizon of experience.
Internship as an educator
Our Bilingual Kindergarten with Preschool offers a very special learning situation for young people who are training to become educators. Here you will find mixed-age groups of children from very different cultural backgrounds learning a foreign language in a language bath with a native-speaking educator.
Work placement
You would like to do a company internship, but not “just anywhere”? The iDSB administration team sees itself as a service provider for the entire school community. We ensure that everyday school life runs smoothly so that the school can dedicate itself to its educational mission. During your internship, you will be assigned to all areas of internal school administration, such as pupil secretariat, bookkeeping, building and financial administration, event organisation and press and public relations.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Please send your application documents (cover letter, CV and relevant references) to .
We need about four weeks to process your application and ask you to refrain from making enquiries during this time.

Field reports from our bilingual kindergarten with preschool
Our internship at the iDSB from 26.04-21.05.2021
We, that is Mrs. Sabine Schmitt, Mrs. Nicole Dietze-White and Mrs. Jennifer Gogel-Beck from Germany, educators in training.Despite all the difficult circumstances that Corona brought with it, we took the plunge and started our internship abroad at the iDSB in Belgium! We received a hospitable welcome, were shown around the entire school grounds and then we were off! We were immediately integrated into everyday life and received a friendly welcome from the children and colleagues!The children welcomed us warmly and we immediately felt at home! The openness of the children and colleagues inspired us from the very first second! During our internship, we were assigned to different classes and areas and gained many new interesting experiences. In the morning, we supported the teachers in class, accompanied the children to the cafeteria at lunchtime, supervised their homework and assisted the teachers with the activities in the AG’s and in the “Bunten Zeit” (afternoon care from 3.40 p.m. – 6 p.m.). In our free time, we took the opportunity to get to know the Belgian culture and sights. The time went by far too quickly! We look back on this time with one laughing and one crying eye. We have many great and enriching experiences and moments with the children and colleagues.
My internship at the iDSB from 21 March to 15 July 2022
As part of my studies (primary school teacher training), I completed a 17-week internship at the International German School Brussels. This gave me the opportunity to test my career aspirations once again before starting my preparatory service. The school supported me in this by employing me in everyday school life as far as possible. During the entire internship period, I accompanied class 3b and the French group of the third grade. I planned a total of 20 lesson attempts, which I also carried out independently. My mentor supported me at all times and reflected on the lessons with me afterwards. This made it possible for me to grow from my mistakes and develop further. I also took on tasks such as supervising breaks and was thus able to discover another area of everyday school life.
of everyday school life. In addition to teaching experiments, I also regularly helped out in the school library,
which is run by parents. This way, I was able to follow how the students handled the library and the books. I would definitely like to take this positive experience with me into my future profession, so that I can inspire children to read.
I also spent my internship time in the all-day area, helping the children with questions during homework time or supporting the teachers during AG time. The homework time in particular showed me how much I had gained in the last few years of my studies, as I was able to link the theory I had learnt with school practice and thus answer the pupils’ questions.
answer the students’ questions. I would like to thank the school for offering me these opportunities. I was never just “the intern”, but felt like a full member of the staff throughout the entire internship. Through the
internship at the iDSB and the experiences I had, I was able to re-evaluate my career aspirations and am now entering the preparatory service with many ideas.
Field report from the GS by Svenja Hergeth
Field reports from primary and secondary school
Choose a profession you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”. (Confucius)
My three-month internship at the iDSB showed me that I have chosen a profession that I love. Not least for this reason, I found the intensive work with the learners as well as the close cooperation in the team of the primary school college an absolutely fulfilling job. In addition to the numerous challenging situations in everyday school life, the internship also gave me the opportunity to look at the multifaceted teaching profession from different perspectives and to gain a comprehensive insight into the special features of working at a German school abroad.
the particularities of working at a German school abroad. I very much appreciate the instructive impressions and practical experiences as well as the contacts with a very cordial teaching staff and would not want to miss them for my further professional career.
Florian Paske
I had a wonderful, exciting, eventful and inspiring time at the iDSB.
My name is Mona Hermanns and I am studying Music and French in the Master of Education in Stuttgart. From 23.2.2022 to 6.5.2022 I completed my school internship at the iDSB secondary school. I experienced a wonderful, exciting, eventful and inspiring time at the iDSB. From the very first day I felt very welcome, I was warmly received by my supervisors and integrated into school life. On the one hand, I was always well supported and advised in my activities, but on the other hand, I also had the opportunity to work independently and try out different ideas. I sat in with various teachers at all levels, gained insight into different teaching concepts and was allowed to both support the teacher in class and teach independently. The pleasant, open-minded and mutually appreciative atmosphere at the IDSB enabled me to have a wonderful internship full of rich experiences and experiences for which I am grateful.
I am very grateful for these experiences and would highly recommend an internship at a German school abroad, especially at IDSB.
Field reports from the administration
My internship at the iDSB from 8 January to 26 January 2018
In January 2018, I completed a three-week internship in the administration of the iDSB. However, copying and scanning documents was not the only
scanning documents on my to-do list. I was able to gain insights into the varied activities of a school administration. I was assigned to several areas at once, including the primary school secretariat, for example. In the office of Mrs Fatelnig-Winter, the head of the Bilingual Pre-School, and in the admissions office of Mrs Strasser, I also learned how varied,
interesting and important the individual areas of responsibility – and thus the staff – are for the smooth running of the school. I spent a lot of time with Dr Klüver-Beck in particular. She is responsible for marketing and public relations.
For example, I was allowed to write press reports about new offers of the iDSB and actively participate in the design of the website.
The internship was a lot of fun and gave me an insight into a professional field that I didn’t know before. Thank you for that!
Field report by Annina Dietrich from the administration department
School in a different way
My two and a half months at the iDSB have now come to an end. Besides the experience of working outside of Germany, I had the unique opportunity to see behind the scenes of everyday school life. In your own school days, you don’t register many other school administration staff besides the teachers, the headmaster and maybe the secretaries, but my time here has taught me otherwise. Especially in a public school, a lot of effort and smooth running is necessary and the iDSB administration team does a great job in all areas. Thank you for the great time, the warm welcome throughout and the great trust you have placed in me during my time with you. There were always enough interesting tasks to do and I definitely never got bored with you. If I should ever move to Belgium, you can be sure of my application.
Chantal Schneider