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    Open day at the KiBi on 16.11.2024

    Are you looking for the ideal school for your child or would you simply like to find out more about everyday life and the special features of iDSB?

    Then we cordially invite you to our open day at our bilingual kindergarten on 16 November 2024 from 10:00 am.

    Get to know our dedicated management team in person and find out everything you need to know about our kindergarten first-hand. We look forward to giving you exciting insights into our vibrant school life, our visions and special programmes. After a warm welcome in our amphitheatre, we will show you around our lovingly designed group rooms, tell you about our varied day-to-day kindergarten life and introduce you to our educational concept. Afterwards, you can ask all your questions in a relaxed atmosphere and get to know us even better.

    Participation is only possible after prior registration!

    We look forward to meeting you!

    Unsere Sponsoren und Partner
    Our partners

    International anerkannt
    Internationally accredited