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  • 05.03.2024 Review

    Excursion to the Archéosite et Musée d’Aubechies-Beloe for the 6th class of the iDSB

    On 4 March 2024, Year 6 students from the iDSB embarked on an exciting excursion to the Archéosite et Musée d’Aubechies-Beloeil. The journey started at 8.00am by coach, accompanied by bright sunshine, which fuelled the anticipation for the day.

    Once they arrived in Aubechies, fascinating experiences and workshops awaited the young adventurers. One of the highlights was certainly the making of oil lamps, where the students immersed themselves in ancient craftsmanship and created their own lamps.

    Another highlight was fire-making, a skill that is often forgotten today but was of crucial importance in the past. The blacksmith, who worked red-hot metal in front of the students, was particularly impressive. He skilfully shaped the metal into new objects and provided exciting insights into the art of blacksmithing.

    Another item on the programme was an informative demonstration, during which the pupils learnt how gladiator fights took place in ancient times. They not only learnt a lot about the various weapons and fighting techniques, but also about the significance of these spectacular events for ancient society.
    After an eventful day, the pupils returned to the iDSB at around 5.00 pm, full of new impressions and with a great deal of historical knowledge in their luggage.

    Nicola Murphy and Sabrina Lorenz

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